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Tag Archives: vedonlyönti

Brazil – Inquiry into match fixing to go ahead

A parliamentary inquiry commission (CPI) into match fixing in Brazilian football has been approved by senators. The President of the Federal Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco, announced the opening of a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) to investigate match-fixing in Brazilian football last week. The CPI of Sports Betting is in response to a request filed by…

Lainsäätäjät tarkastelevat uudelleen Chilen ehdotettua online-uhkapelilakia

Chilen online-uhkapelilaki oli lisäkeskustelun kohteena viime viikolla senaatin talouskomission jälkeen, kun senaatin talouskomissio jatkoi ehdotetun lakiehdotuksen analysointia. Erityisesti kutsuttiin tähän istuntoon Concepción Lotteryn pääjohtaja Mario Parada; sisäisen verohallinnon (SII) apulaisjohtaja Simón Ramírez ja…

Brazil – Inquiry gains momentum after Sportradar places Brazil in top spot for suspicious matches

In a speech in the Senate Plenary Senator Romário announced that he will begin collecting signatures to open a parliamentary inquiry commission (CPI) with the aim of investigating the alleged manipulation of football match results in Brazil. According to the senator, the creation of the CPI is necessary in light of the emergence of numerous…

Brasilia – Senaatin urheilulautakunta hyväksyi julkisen kuulemistilaisuuden sopuratkaisuista

The CEsp (Senate Sports Commission) has approved a request for a public hearing to discuss match-fixing in the Brazilian football championship of 2023. The request was made by Senators Eduardo Girão and Carlos Portinho. The debate is expected to include the presence of Thierry Hassanaly, a representative of the company Good Game, specialized in analyzing…

Sveitsi – Raportin mukaan Euroopassa oli eniten epäilyttäviä urheiluotteluita vuonna 2023

Sportradar Integrity Services today published its annual report, ‘Betting Corruption and Match-fixing in 2023’, detailing the company’s findings into suspicious betting on global sport. Based on the monitoring of approximately 850,000 events and matches across 70 sports, the report highlights a total of 1,329 suspicious matches in 2023, occurring in 11 sports in 105 countries. Compared…

Colombia – Healthcare crisis could lead to increased taxes on online sports betting  

A new initiative supported by President Gustavo Petro proposes funding healthcare through taxes on online sports betting, aiming to address the sector’s deficit and avoid the need for a new tax reform. It would also provide essential resources for public health. According to local press there is growing consensus for the bill in Congress.  …

Argentiina – Lainsäätäjä ehdottaa uutta kansallista veroa online-uhkapeleille

Provincial legislator Rodrigo Agrelo has urged national deputies representing the province to promote a debate on the creation of an extraordinary emergency tax on gambling. Agrelo wants to prevent an increase in export taxes on corn, wheat, and soybean by-products in the midst of an increasingly difficult economic situation in Argentina. This includes concerns over…

Chile – Online-pelaamista koskeva lakiesitys etenee senaattiin

Alivarainministeri Heidi Berner ja kasinopelien Superintendent of Casino (SJC) johtaja Vivien Villagrán ovat esittäneet Chilen online-uhkapelaamisen senaatin talouskomitealle. Eduskuntakamarin ensimmäisessä vaiheessa joulukuussa hyväksymä lakiesitys tähtää kilpailuun perustuvien markkinoiden luomiseen. Se pyrkii myös…

Brazil – Government to create new gambling board

The government is in the process of creating a National Gaming and Betting Secretariat (Secretaría de Apostas Esportivas). According to local press the secretariat will be operational by the end of January and will be responsible for tax inspection and the prevention of illicit activities, such as money laundering. The team will be made up of…